(OK, answering these questions will not get me any closer to Ethiopia, but they may get you closer to God and one another. Booyahh! Now, that’s a tie in!)
1) Talk about the jobs you’ve had in the past. What was your first one and what was your favorite one? Why did you choose the job you are currently in or were at most recently? How do you feel your job / rest of life balance is right now?
2) What are the Top Three Things you worry about (everybody has something – don’t get spiritual on us!)? What would it take for you not to worry about them?
3) Discuss food! Wait, don’t discuss it, go get some and eat it! Just kidding! Why do you think people overeat? What are some practical things you do to keep a healthy diet? How can we help others to do the same?
4) If God was telling you to do something crazy, what would it be? Think of a time when you did something that at least one other person thought was crazy, why did you do it? Is there anything that you really want to do right now or think that God wants you to do right now, but just haven’t done it for some reason?
5) Be honest! Tell everyone (or just tell yourself if you’re answering these alone. But, if you are answering these on your own – STOP! Go get some friends, have them get the book, and talk about it together!)….now, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, tell everyone what’s your best excuse for not exercising. OK, now share some tips that motivate you to get that body moving and tell why you even do exercise.
6) Who is the best encourager you know? Can you think of a time when someone encouraged you and it really meant a lot? Now, can you think of a time when you encouraged someone else and it really meant a lot? Tougher, huh!
7) This might actually be controversial. If we follow God and really do want to do what He wants us to do – will we still have trouble? If so, how do you handle it when trouble comes your way? Would you be willing to share about a time when God / people helped you through a troubling time?
8) I’ve got a game for you. Go around the circle (I hope you’re sitting in a circle right now) and name things you are thankful for. Do it one at a time, take turns, and if you can’t think of anything that someone hasn’t said in five seconds or less – you’re out! If you didn’t last long in this game, go home and make a Thankful List, and physically write out everything you’re thankful for. Keep adding to it daily!
9) What is something that really gets you angry, but it might not upset God all that much? Be honest on this one. Now, think about some things that get you angry that might also get God angry. What might be one thing you could do about that?
10) When was the last time you did some real physical labor? How did it feel? Now for the tough one….When there is a physically demanding job that needs to be done, are you the first one to volunteer? Why or why not?
11) Do you take a Sabbath? Is there one day out of the week that you can just relax? I know some of you have kids and responsibilities, but what would it look like to be able to have a weekly Sabbath and not get rid of your kids or your responsibilities? Can you do both?
12) On the average, how much time do you spend cleaning your house during the week? How do you fell when you walk into a messy house? How do you feel when someone walks into your house and it’s messy?
13) Was there anything that you would do as a kid that would drive your parents crazy? Do you remember any time that you took too long to look at flowers or notice the birds and just be mesmerized by nature? What are some things that just amaze you today?
14) Let’s say you could snap your fingers and do anything, what would you do? Is there a way you could do that even if it’s on a volunteer basis? What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done for free?
15) I know we’ve all done some totally irrational, immature, unwise things in our lives. What’s your favorite? What are some things you do when you notice life getting into a little rut? How do you keep the excitement of every day alive…or can you even do that?
16) What is your thing? What connects you with God? And with the Bible, any tips how that has really come alive for you?
17) I’m going to ask you to brag a little bit here. Tell everyone what you’re good at! (The sad thing is that this could take some folks a little while. That’s not your fault though. Everyone should have had someone to help them out with this along the way.)
18) What’s the worst thing you ever had to ask forgiveness for? (Man, I wish I could hear everyone’s answer on this one!) Can you share a time when someone asked you for forgiveness and how it felt?
19) Forget talking about this one, JUST DO IT! Here’s a challenge. Go one whole day without saying a negative thing to anyone. In fact, if you catch yourself even thinking something negative, give yourself a whack in the head.
20) Are you a good sleeper or a bad sleeper? What do you do when you can’t sleep, and what happens to you if you don’t get enough sleep?
21) It’s time to get a little crazy. Tell about a time God asked you to do something….AND YOU DID IT! The crazier the better on this one.