OK, so we already went to Ethiopia! But I think you can still get the book if you really wanted to. Good luck with that!

June 30, 2010


This is one I'd love to have people say about me some day - "he was someone who would Suck It Up and do whatever it took!" Do you think this is that big a deal? If we're going to live LIFE TO THE FULL do we have to be doing the physical stuff? Do we have to take on the hard challenges? Is it really all that crucial that we show our love through our willingness to experience pain?
We want to hear what you think. So, click on COMMENTS below and give us your thoughts.

1 comment:

AMARCE said...

This is the only book in America with a chapter titled "Suck it Up"...and probably any other part of the world! But what a great concept. It's my focus for 2011, stop making excuses and just get what needs to get done, done.